Have you heard of the 180 movie?
It is an award-winning, 33-minute movie that has had over 4.5 million YouTube views, and over 800,000 DVD’s have been distributed or sold. It has been subtitled in more than 35 languages already.
Lives are being saved and many minds changed about the horror of abortion because of this movie. But more importantly, it contains the biblical gospel, and when a person is converted to Jesus Christ, their entire worldview changes to come into line with that which pleases God… they immediately become pro-life, and believe in one man one woman marriage, etc.
If the train gets on the right track, the carriages of their worldview will come into line.
I have here business cards that have only 180movie.com so people can watch it online. I have some DVD’s to give away. They are also gospel tracts. It is very easy to give them away, I just need to say something like: “Watch this award-winning movie.” Or “33 minutes that will rock your world.” Or simply, “Free movie for you!”
Help to spread this pro-life message with a click of your mouse or hit the streets with the gospel of Jesus Christ. That is the only message that will turn a nation around.
Can we count on you?