2 Minute Tips on Evangelism (All Episodes)
As seen on TV! These short clips will give you simple and practical tips so you can step out of your comfort zone and start sharing the gospel! Read more and watch the full episode »»Episode 1: Gospel Tracts (Part 1)
Maybe not everybody is called to stand on a street corner and preach to a crowd, but we can all give a piece of paper to somebody else. Right? Read more and watch the full episode »»Episode 2: Gospel Tracts (Part 2)
Never go out without your tracts, Spurgeon said, they may be the seed of eternal life. Never underestimate the power of the tract, not of the paper itself, but of the message printed on it. Read more and watch the full episode »»Episode 3: Leaving Tracts Behind
If you still don't feel comfortable by giving a gospel tract to a stranger, you can take baby step number 1: leave a gospel tract behind. Read more and watch the full episode »»Episode 4: GM 2:8
This awesome app has a clear gospel presentation in 10 different languages! The GM 2:8 can just play a gospel message or take the user through the “Good Person Test.” Read more and watch the full episode »»Episode 5: 180 Movie
Have you heard of the 180 movie? Lives are being saved and many minds changed about the horror of abortion because of it. But more importantly, it contains the biblical gospel, Read more and watch the full episode »»Episode 6: Fear (Part 1)
The two main reasons why Christians don't share their faith with others are: Number one, because they don't know how to. The second reason is, because of fear. Read more and watch the full episode »»Episode 7: Fear (Part 2)
Our motivation is often misplaced. We should conquer our fears and share the gospel only because our Lord has commanded us to. Read more and watch the full episode »»Episode 8: Open-air Preaching (Part 1)
Our good friend, Ray Comfort, often says that a good open-air session can reach more unsaved in 30 minutes, than an average church in a year. Read more and watch the full episode »»Episode 9: Open-air Preaching (part 2)
Open-air preaching is the standard method God has always employed throughout Scripture to reach the common people. “Open-air preaching is as old as preaching itself.” -Spurgeon Read more and watch the full episode »»Episode 10: Open-air Preaching (part 3)
In this episode, we will look at more tips for open-air preaching. Read more and watch the full episode »»