If you have just one moment I will share with you the message of Christmas:
We are all going to die and that will happen because God himself gave us the death sentence for breaking his law, the Ten Commandments.
Let’s look at a few and see if we have indeed sinned against Him have you ever lied, even once, or stolen something irrespective of its value? Have you used God’s name in vain? “@*#@*!!!” If you ever lusted after someone Jesus said you committed adultery in your heart.
On Judgment day God will hold us all accountable for our sins. Everyone who has broken God’s Law deserves to be punished in Hell.
But God loves you and wants to save you. He sent His Son Jesus to live a perfect life and then die on the cross in your place. He was punished so you can live then He rose from the grave defeating death.
The Bible says in heaven we will live forever. There will be no more death
or sickness or pain.The person who sent you this Ecard cares about you and wants to make sure you make
it to Heaven too.Please do what the Bible says: Repent and trust alone in Jesus so that when God’s kingdom comes to this earth you will be part of that Kingdom!
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