The DNA Code
Consider for a moment whether you could ever believe this publication happened by accident. Here is the argument: There was nothing. Then paper appeared and ink fell from nowhere onto...
Consider for a moment whether you could ever believe this publication happened by accident. Here is the argument: There was nothing. Then paper appeared and ink fell from nowhere onto...
This is the Great Exchange: Jesus took your sins and offers His righteousness.
The music weeps, the preacher pleads, “Give your heart to Jesus. You have a God shaped hole in your heart and only Jesus can fill it.” Dozens, hundreds or thousands...
Let me ask you: Does your Gospel presentation looks like the one of John Calvin? Or more like a message from Dr. Phil and Oprah? Read the following from a...
I read about a man in England who was involved ih drug traffic and he used a very sophisticated calculator to keep track of his records. When the police arrested...